Nourishing Goodness
Based on traditional French recipes, our stocks and broths add rich, slow-cooked flavor and texture to your favorite dishes. Try one of our collagen-rich stocks for some seriousthickening power and a velvety smoothness that you just can’t get from box stocks.

New Packaging Designs
Who says you can’t judge an album by its cover? Quick, think of Tom Petty’s Wildflowers album cover. I’m betting you can’t. Now think of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the [...]
We’re In!
One of the best things about living in Lancaster County is having access to the abundance of produce that springs forth from the fertile soil in our region. There are many [...]
Open for Business!
“The idea of waiting for something” said Andy Warhol, “makes it more exciting.” If that is the case, then we are about as excited at The Crowded Kitchen as we can [...]